Lambda Golf is a response to the demand for high-quality golf footwear that doesn't compromise on style or comfort. It is the result of a collective effort by a group of European family-owned companies that specialize in various industries, including shoe manufacturing and health services. The specialized team behind Lambda Golf comprises over 150 experienced employees with more than 50 years of combined expertise and know-how in the footwear manufacturing industry.

Began in 2009

Lambda Golf was founded in 2009 in Portugal. The brand aims to create global luxury golf footwear of premium quality, incorporating innovative breakthrough technologies developed by technical engineers. Using patented construction techniques for golf shoes, Lambda Golf has been able to manufacture a new type of classic golf shoes that are both comfortable and stylish.

Lambda Golf's 50 year old craftsmanship heritage and passion for Golf resulted in a whole new European classic golf footwear concept and design


Lambda’s innovative patented technologies have resulted in handmade Portugal Classic Golf Shoes with a design and construction that provides golfers with a solid stand, allowing the foot to breathe while remaining flexible, lightweight, and extremely comfortable. The patented handmade soles and heel construction used in Lambda golf shoes have a double-layer inlay that ingeniously absorbs heel and sole force reducing impact on knees, hips and back

Take a look for yourself!